Corporate Engagement
The Rising Stars Conference is an event that attracts the talent you need and promotes the skills you want from each of your professional team.
The Rising Stars Conference is a critical link between your company and our audience. The young professionals and university students represent the generation that will make an impact on your company and the world. Recognizing that linkage drives the decisions of our conference organizing team that assure opportunities for interaction between you and the conference attendees. Everything from the location of your corporate displays, break and meal selection, organization of two mixers, selection of session topics, panels, and featured speakers all focus on making connections. There are even private spaces for meetings between your company representatives and talented candidates.
As we launch and update the conference web site and social media channels, you are invited to provide materials that showcase your company and products. This valuable opportunity places your organization “top of mind” for our attendees, enabling them to more effectively interact with you during the conference.
A commitment to Rising Stars means:
- Contributing to the content of the conference
- Networking with all conference attendees and other sponsoring entities
- Showcasing your company and increase the audience aware of the depth and breadth of products and services offered by your company
- Identifying and attracting outstanding talent to your company
- Investing your time and resources at the conference and maximizing the ROI and ROR
Sponsorship Levels
Rising Stars 2021 conference offers a great opportunity for any company to gain access to the most talented young professionals, engineering students, and young leaders from North America and around the world. The attendees of Rising Stars are eager to learn from the speakers and experienced professionals representing the top-performing industries and organizations. The young professionals and university students participating at the conference aspire to become the industry leaders and academicians of tomorrow through the inspiration provided by the experienced professionals of today.
Sponsors can also consider
In addition to providing materials for the conference bags, supporters are also welcomed to serve as a poster competition sponsor, host one of the conference breaks or breakfasts, and mixers
Sponsorship Brochure
Click here to download the 2021 IEEE Rising Stars Conference Sponsorship Brochure
Become a Sponsor Today!
Please consider being one of our sponsors for the 2021 Rising Stars Conference.
To become a sponsor please mail Pei-Jung Tsai [[email protected]] and Rising Star Committee[[email protected]]
Special Exhibitor or Sponsorship package available upon request
The Rising Stars Conference is operated under the organization of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Any donations to the Rising Stars Conference are eligible and qualify for a tax-deductible donation receipt provided by the IEEE. To request a receipt from the IEEE for your contribution to the Rising Stars Conference, please provide your Name, Company, Mailing Address, and Amount in an email at [email protected].