Sponsorship 2020

The 2020 Rising Stars conference is the premier event for young engineers. The program is designed to entice and inspire 450 of the top engineering students and young professionals from North America. The program will include interactive events, networking opportunities, and professional development.

As a sponsor of the 2020 Rising Stars Conference, you have a unique opportunity to touch the lives of these young engineers. You will also have the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the most promising minds of the next generation. This conference provides a unique venue to display information about your company or a new product that may be useful either in the classroom or in life.

Sponsorship Brochure

The money from your sponsorship will go to support the following activities that are included in our sponsorship package:

Click here to download the 2020 IEEE Rising Stars Conference Sponsorship Brochure

Become a Sponsor Today!

Please consider being one of our sponsors for the 2020 Rising Stars Conference.
To become a sponsor please mail Pei-Jung Tsai [[email protected]] and Rising Star Committee[[email protected]]

The Rising Stars Conference is operated under the organization of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Any donations to the Rising Stars Conference are eligible and qualify for a tax-deductible donation receipt provided by the IEEE.
To request a receipt from the IEEE for your contribution to the Rising Stars Conference, please provide your Name, Company, Mailing Address, and Amount in an email at [email protected].