What is a Red Dwarf?

Red Dwarf stars are the smallest and emerging in the universe.

The Red Dwarf virtual events represent the formation and growth of our IEEE Rising Stars Conference. The IEEE Rising Stars Conference team will be hosting a series of virtual events to show you a glimpse of what we are preparing for the conference. We will share professional development and technical content throughout this series as well as networking opportunities.

Join us on a virtual series of informative and engaging events as we prepare for our large stage at the IEEE Rising Stars Conference.

Past Events

  • SLS Ambassador Program: We Are Going!

    by Sonya L. Dillard

    July 12 --- 6:30 - 7:30 PM Pacific Time
    After over 50 years, we are finally going back to the moon like never before. This time we are going to stay! Join us for this virtual webinar as NASA Engineer, Sonya Dillard takes you on a journey back to the moon aboard the Space Launch System (SLS), NASA’s largest rocket in history.

  • Driving Ambition

    by CJ & Scott

    August 8 --- 6:30 - 7:30 PM Pacific Time
    How to find projects in school or work. Finding projects to join or creating projects to research in school with an instructor or school backing to present the results at conferences and to put on resumes for employers. How to find those projects at work that can also be presented at conferences and further enhance your career as an engineer.

  • Financial Starts

    by Guillermo Saade

    September 13 --- 6:30 - 7:30 PM Pacific Time
    How to start the financial journey to financial independence. Starting with that first job and thinking about getting to financial freedom through the use of proper planning with 401K(s), investments in mutual funds, and other ways to save for not just retirement but in ways that can prepare you financially for anything life may throw your way.

  • Supplying the Fight Against Cancer Using Particle Accelerators at Nusano

    by Leo Szeto

    October 18 --- 6:30 - 7:30 PM Pacific Time
    Radioisotopes have been used in medicine for decades. Doctors use tiny tracers like flashlights to light up areas inside the body, helping them target and treat disease. But today, the supply doesn’t meet the need. Logistical problems with radioisotope production are causing hundreds of thousands of patients in the US from getting the treatments they need to survive. Nusano aims to change the future of the industry by developing a system that will mass-produce radioisotopes at scale, using a breakthrough ion source technology combined with a particle accelerator, turning radioisotopes from scarcity to abundance.

  • How to Maximize Your Rising Stars Experience

    by Elizabeth Farkas & Scott Tamashiro

    December 13 --- 6:30 - 7:30 PM Pacific Time
    You’ve made your commitment. You’re taking time off and making travel plans. So how do you get the most out of your IEEE Rising Stars conference experience? This Red Dwarf session will be interactive in knowing more about the workshops, programs, activities, and networking you will encounter. Can I bring a resume? Can I talk with attendees, sponsors, or speakers ahead of time? What should I wear? These and more questions will be discussed.

Past Events